Saturday, February 24, 2007

NLP Master Practitioner Certification Workshop

This is a full-length 12-day workshop leading to NLP Master Practitioner certification. This workshop is open to Certified NLP Practitioner. The course is in 3 modules of 4 days each. Certification is carried out by an international trainer, is on-going and is considered completed only in the final module.

Why pursue Mastery in NLP?

The NLP Mastery workshop equips an individual with wide and deep knowledge and skills in the discipline.

Acquire considerable skills which will extend your ability to communicate with and influence a wider range of personalities;

Polish knowledge and skills to facilitating more pervasive positive transformation work with beliefs, values, meta-programs, self image, life direction and living skills;

Furthering deep-rooted long-term personal and professional development by deepening goals and desired outcomes;

Extend tremendous influencing ability by integrating Sleight-of- Mouth Patterns, advanced Milton Model patterns, and Systems Modelling with the acquired foundation of NLP Practitioner training; and

Develop permanent unconscious competence in applying your NLP Practitioner skills and insights

NLP Master Practitioner Certification is a full-length 12-day workshop leading to certification. This workshop is open to Certified NLP Practitioners. The course is in 3 modules of 4 days per module. Certification is carried out by an international trainer, is on-going and is considered completed only in at the end of the final module.

The Syllabus of the NLP Master Practitioner Certification Workshop include -

Introduction to NLP Mastery

Pathways to mastery


Setting outcomes

Basic Language Patterns

Advanced language patterns

Linguistic presuppositions

Hierarchy of ideas

Meta model

Milton model

Quantum Language

Modal operators

Prime concerns

Language process - Cartesian logic

Patterns of quantum linguistic


Mind lines

Magical cues and prompters


Content reframing



Up-framing - Outframing

Analogous framing

Mind lines for enhancing beliefs

Meta States

Primary to Meta states

Linguistics for meta states

Meta-stating in statements and questions


Overview of modeling process

Strategies for modeling

Modeling tools -

Foundation of modeling
Levels of mind model
Logical levels
Background knowledge and modeling
Modeling cultural phenomena
Organizing Data for modeling

Advanced Hypnosis

History of hypnosis


Suggestibility tests

Fundamental of Ericksonian hypnosis

Ericksonian induction

Multi-embedded metaphors

A direct authoritarian approach

Progressive test approach

Deepening techniques

Elman hypnotic inductions

Stages of hypnosis

Contradictions for hypnosis

Post-hypnotic suggestions

The science of suggestion

Laws of suggestion

Rules of acceptance

Healing by mental suggestion

Healing by thought induction

Double binds

Meta Programs

Meta-level analysis of meta-programs

The mental / cognitive meta-programs

The feeling / emotional meta-programs

The choosing / willing meta-programs

The responding meta-programs

The conceptualizing meta-programs

The changing meta-programs

Changing meta-programs

The effect of meta-programs on sub-modalities

The Myers-Briggs meta-programs

The four basis meta-programs


Time Line Techniques

Time line overview

Taking a detailed personal history

The problem is NOT the problem -

Time line configuration
Time line elicitation

Gestalt & Timelines -

Discover the Root Cause
Time line intervention scripts
General temporal reframing
Anxiety model
Setting goals
Fast Phobia Model
Conversational timeline

Releasing Traumatic Memory -

Determining limiting decisions
Limiting Decisions
Reasons why emotions disappears
Drop down through technique
Changing the time line location or direction
Putting a single goal in your future
Phobia model
Parts integration

General model for behavioral intervention

Important issues in releasing symptoms

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