Saturday, February 24, 2007

NLP Application In Relationships

At schools, colleges and universities, children and teenagers are taught so many many varied subjects and discipline. There is a big study that is so significant and yet it has been missed out. When most part of one's life is devoted to creating relationships with fellow human-beings, there is so little emphasis on maintaining wellness, self-esteem and rapport. Teaching about what makes a relationship tick and work is hardly taught. What can be more significant that those two areas.

Teachers and Parenting skills for infancy years and teenagers are equally important. How often have this aspect being overlooked or missed out completely. Through no fault of the teachers and parents though as they know of a better way.

Everyone has his or her own map of the world. Most often than not, one misunderstands or has not take the time to identify how that map of the world operates in a person. And how that person's values and map of the world could have derived a certain influence and outcome. As a result, friction and conflicts arise. How frequent and easily are relationships destroyed just because we did not know how to tolerate and build rapport.

NLP provides one with the skills to know how a person operates in his or her map of the world and with that, builds strong rapport and supports great wonderful relationships and find peace.

Who should attend -





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